Register Link: Click

** Download Registration manual

** IEEE tracks authors please check your paper id in the EasyChair system

** GIS IDEAS track please check your paper id from this link 

If you have any difficulties with the registration, please contact:


Early-Bird Registration

(1st – 22nd Nov, 2024)

Late Registration

(23rd – 30st Nov, 2024)

Publish in e-Conference Proceedings and IEEE Digital library IEEE Regular non-member 7,000.00 THB 8,500.00 THB
  IEEE Regular member 6,500.00 THB 8,000.00 THB
  IEEE Student member rate 6,000.00 THB 7,500.00 THB
Publish in e-Conference Proceedings (not publish in IEEE) Regular 4,000.00 THB 5,000.00 THB
  ASEAN Student (with banguet) 1,950.00 THB 2,250.00 THB
  ASEAN Student (without banguet) 1,200.00 THB 1,500.00 THB
  Student (with banguet) 2,250.00 THB 2,750.00 THB
  Student (without banguet) 1,500.00 THB 2,000.00 THB
Accompany person * (with banguet) 2,250.00 THB 2,750.00 THB
Accompany person * (without banguet) 1,500.00 THB 2,000.00 THB

* *Conference kits are not included

Registration Requirements:

1.At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference at an author rate.

2.One author regular rate will cover the publication of one paper and one presenter.

3.Non-member student registrants are required to proof of student status by presenting his/her university identification (ID) card at the registration check-in.

Registration Fee Notice

Please note that the registration fee does not include bank transfer charges. Participants are kindly requested to cover any transfer fees separately to ensure the full registration amount is received.